Successful start followed by review phase


Successful start followed by review phase


In December 2016 we started the first production of Misogi Dogi with a crowdfunding campaign. By summer 2018, all approx. 200 ordered gis and jackets were delivered. We are happy that we have already received many satisfied feedbacks about the gis we delivered. Thanks to our pioneer customers and production partners we can celebrate a nice success of our initiative. Many thanks again to all who participated!

We proved that sustainable martial art uniforms are both feasible and wanted. But as already reported on New Year’s Days, this first production did not go according to plan: There were very long delays and complications. If we want to offer not only a good product quality but also a better service in the future, we need to review a couple of things.

The revision will take some time, so no further production is planned for the coming year 2018. As soon as this process is completed, we hope to be able to start a next production with a fresh breeze in our sails and continue our contribution to fairness and sustainability in the budo textile market.

In the meantime, if you are interested in a (further) gi or jacket, you are welcome to contact us by email (team at misogidogi dot com). We still have a stock of 30 Light jackets made of waffle fabric, a few aikido jackets made of rice grain fabric and 35 trousers. With a bit of luck, the right size is available for you.

HAPPY 2018


2017 has been a very intense year for Misogi Dogi. 180 keikogis or jackets were pre-ordered, 100 light aikido uniforms and karategis were delivered. The production was much more challenging than we expected, despite careful preparation. Everything took much more time, beyond imagination. And, as if it wasn’t complex enough, we had to move the company from Berlin to Switzerland this summer, during the production.

Fortunately, we were blessed with the most friendly pioneer clients: we received messages full of endless support and patience. We are deeply grateful for the huge trust you set in us. You made Misogi Dogi happen. Thank you very much!

And fortunately, all the effort and waiting seems worthwhile: The feedback we received so far was very positive. This one came in recently:

Hello! Due to illness I haven’t had time to try out my new gi until recently. It fits perfectly and it’s so comfortable! It’s like a dream after my clumsy judo gi I used before! Thank you so much, and give my best regards to the charming ladies on that postcard. I will do my best to honor their work and give my very best performance when I’m wearing this gi. I will no longer be able to excuse myself by saying the gi got in the way of my movements after all. Best regards

We are very grateful for every feedback, it boosts our motivation to face the numerous challenges and, for critical feedback, helps us to improve our products.

As for the clients still waiting for their aikidogi: the first jacket prototypes made of sashiko (=rice grain fabric) are very nice. We test washed them several times, they shrink by 7-8 %. The pattern maker is currently adapting the patterns of 11 sizes accordingly. Production is ongoing and will take another few weeks.

We are looking forward to deliver many keikogi made from organic cotton in 2018 too. In the meantime, we wish you all a wonderful year 2018 full of bliss, health, love and fulfilling training.

Delivery of first sustainable aikidogis


A big milestone has been achieved this week: the first MISOGI DOGI uniforms are being delivered these days. The uniforms make a wonderful first impression. So far, we received great feedback. We look forward to get further impressions. Contact us here..

Crowdfunding Campaign ends successfully


We are thrilled to announce that our crowdfunding campaign for sustainable aikidogi has ended successfully! We have collected 128 pre-orders within the last three months. Many aikido fellows gave us such a supportive feedback that we are super motivated to continue with our project. Thank you very much! The present financial situation allows us to carry on with our first production order. This means, the count-down to the delivery of the first sustainable gi has started! 🎉🎉🎉

This campaign would not have been possible without the contribution of many people: 1000 thanks go to all who pre-ordered and supported this campaign! Many thanks to all dojochos and aikido fellows who helped us to spread the message and gave us the opportunity to present our prototypes to their fellows and students. Special thanks to Urs José, Julia, Urs K., Helena and Jan, Martin, Ute and Christoph. Best thanks to the campaign production team David and his team, Jonas, Amber, Rene, Corine, Anton, Björn and Stefan. Our deep gratitude to Maïa Barouh for allowing us to use her beautiful song “soran bushi” for our campaign film. Thank you very much to Bernhard, Noel, Emir, Aida, and the team of slowFASHIONfast for their wonderful support and quality service and for believing in us. The project wouldn’t have been successful so far without the expertise and friendly support of the Berlin fair fashion community including interloom, Anna, Rabea, Marte, Sandra, Sylvie, Upcycling Fashion Store and many more. Last, but not least, I would like to thank my dear family and friends for their great support. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

By the way, our online shop stays open and we are looking forward to receiving further pre-orders in the coming weeks.

Prototypes – Pictures & Learnings


The prototypes’ tour has been a real pleasure so far: it’s very rewarding to finally see the result of such a long development process: uniforms fitting well to very different aikidoka.

While with a serial production, we will never be able to satisfy everyone, the feedback was mostly very positive. Some even didn’t want to give the prototypes back!

We got important feedback and adapted our offer accordingly. For example, we were going to offer only one model with a jacket made of traditional rice grain fabric (judogi style). As this fabric is not available on the fabric market, we used a light waffle fabric for the prototypes. However, quite a few fellows loved this super soft and light fabric and asked for no other. Waffle fabric is soft but robust, very absorbent and drying quickly, and quite resistant to tearing and rubbing. It will certainly be most convenient for hot summer days or travelling to seminars. So, we will start with two jacket types: one made of rice grain canvas and one made of light waffle fabric.

Other fellows asked for an elastic waistband instead of drawstrings waistband and for shorter or longer sleeves. Fortunately, our manufacture is very flexible and service oriented and we can also meet these requests.

Now, we are in the final steps of preparing the webshop and will launch pre-orders in exactly one week. Are you ready?