Dear clients,
I am very happy to announce that a new batch of aikidogis is ready for you! Have a look at the shop.
Happy training,
Made in Europe. From Organic Cotton. Fair-Trade.
Dear clients,
I am very happy to announce that a new batch of aikidogis is ready for you! Have a look at the shop.
Happy training,
Dear clients, dear friends,
As a visitor of this page, you might wonder: what’s going on here? Where can I set my order?
Well, to cut a long story short: Misogi Dogi is on pause and currently has no offer. After a successful launch and first production of more than 200 budo uniforms made of organic cotton in Europe, turning Misogi Dogi into a daily business still requires a lot of time and energy resources. Unfortunately, these have not been available in the last couple of years. It is unclear as of today whether we will relaunch at all. If you wish to contribute to the work behind the stage, please feel free to contact us.
Meanwhile, we invite you to discover our website, read our blog, and discover the wonderful world of Misogi Dogi. You will find insights into the spiritual purification ceremonies called misogi and their connection to aikido. You will find a series of articles on the environmental, social and economic impacts of budo uniforms. You will also find a documentation of my visits to cotton textile production sites in Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegowina. Enjoy!
Thank you for your understanding and best regards,
We are selling the remaining items at reduced costs. Dear clients from EU, please expect high shipping & toll fees OR long delivery waiting time.
Gi: 235 CHF 179 CHF
jacket: 149 CHF 119 CHF
pants: 109 CHF 89 CHF
Preise zuzüglich 7 CHF Versandkosten / + 7 CHF de frais d’envoi
Vorhandene Grössen / tailles disponibles:
light jackets
In December 2016 we started the first production of Misogi Dogi with a crowdfunding campaign. By summer 2018, all approx. 200 ordered gis and jackets were delivered. We are happy that we have already received many satisfied feedbacks about the gis we delivered. Thanks to our pioneer customers and production partners we can celebrate a nice success of our initiative. Many thanks again to all who participated!
We proved that sustainable martial art uniforms are both feasible and wanted. But as already reported on New Year’s Days, this first production did not go according to plan: There were very long delays and complications. If we want to offer not only a good product quality but also a better service in the future, we need to review a couple of things.
The revision will take some time, so no further production is planned for the coming year 2018. As soon as this process is completed, we hope to be able to start a next production with a fresh breeze in our sails and continue our contribution to fairness and sustainability in the budo textile market.
In the meantime, if you are interested in a (further) gi or jacket, you are welcome to contact us by email (team at misogidogi dot com). We still have a stock of 30 Light jackets made of waffle fabric, a few aikido jackets made of rice grain fabric and 35 trousers. With a bit of luck, the right size is available for you.
2017 has been a very intense year for Misogi Dogi. 180 keikogis or jackets were pre-ordered, 100 light aikido uniforms and karategis were delivered. The production was much more challenging than we expected, despite careful preparation. Everything took much more time, beyond imagination. And, as if it wasn’t complex enough, we had to move the company from Berlin to Switzerland this summer, during the production.
Fortunately, we were blessed with the most friendly pioneer clients: we received messages full of endless support and patience. We are deeply grateful for the huge trust you set in us. You made Misogi Dogi happen. Thank you very much!
And fortunately, all the effort and waiting seems worthwhile: The feedback we received so far was very positive. This one came in recently:
Hello! Due to illness I haven’t had time to try out my new gi until recently. It fits perfectly and it’s so comfortable! It’s like a dream after my clumsy judo gi I used before! Thank you so much, and give my best regards to the charming ladies on that postcard. I will do my best to honor their work and give my very best performance when I’m wearing this gi. I will no longer be able to excuse myself by saying the gi got in the way of my movements after all. Best regards
We are very grateful for every feedback, it boosts our motivation to face the numerous challenges and, for critical feedback, helps us to improve our products.
As for the clients still waiting for their aikidogi: the first jacket prototypes made of sashiko (=rice grain fabric) are very nice. We test washed them several times, they shrink by 7-8 %. The pattern maker is currently adapting the patterns of 11 sizes accordingly. Production is ongoing and will take another few weeks.
We are looking forward to deliver many keikogi made from organic cotton in 2018 too. In the meantime, we wish you all a wonderful year 2018 full of bliss, health, love and fulfilling training.